Fifth House Fun
Mercurial Musings Podcast
Weekly roundups of astrology and ideas I don’t have the energy to complete.

Weekly roundups of astrology and ideas I don’t have the energy to complete.

Welcome to Fifth House Fun by me, Jess (they/she). A low-pressure space to gather musings from a whirlwind of data.
Listen to the recording above, or if reading is more your speed, let your little eyeballs wiggle…

Topics you can find here? astrology, exploratory art (whether my own, or other creatives), books, creativity and process, queerness, grief, human-ing, inclusivity, messiness, tarot, tools for human-ing with more ease, joy, ancestral exploration of my indigenous and Mexican parts, and so much more. 

I’ve been a traditional astrology student for two years now. I endlessly debate consultations while writing too many ideas down on post-it notes tucked into odd corners and unread books.

I’m curious and passionate about the Fifth House—the pleasure center of our life, our G-spot (kind of)—the place where we go to lose ourselves in the act of fun. But really, I’m curious about all of it.

How can we use astrology as a tool to try more and fail often?

How does astrology that is ungendered and expansive feel?

How can this language expand how we feel comfortable expressing ourselves?

How does astrology sit in your body? What feels true to you?

How does it help you move, in emotions, in physical form, in spiritual progress, in stillness?

Traditionally, the fifth house holds matters of children, sex (the fun kind), romance, joy, gambling, any sorts of games, recreational sports, infinite types of dynamic and creative expressions, and anything that you “birth” in a metaphorical sense. But there are a lot of nuances that go into fifth house matters, including pleasure. In a world that tries to squeeze every ounce of labor it can from our dull, saggy skin, how can we feel safe, worthy, and able to seek out and trust our desires? What does pleasure feel like to your body? Do you have different levels of joy? Does everyone have access to pleasure? (no) What are the barriers to such in my community, in my country, globally?

Pleasure, joy, dynamic expression, artistic endeavors, channeling that creative spirit, birthing something into being for the sake of it—the sake of translating your essence outwardly. These are all forms of resistance against the extractive nature of capitalism, just like breathing, moving your body, connecting to the Earth, and singing your truth.

I wanted to focus on all things joyful, and I’ve been waiting so long to sit down and write here. But the reality is, that’s not my truth. My truth is that I love joy, and I love grief, and I love the complexity that these two bring, intertwining through our lives. My adoration of the joys of life does not come without the shadow of grief holding my hand.

I think we all have developed a much more intimate relationship with grief as COVID rages on and the climate changes day by day. Why not befriend that grief a little more? Ok, so we’ve inherited a shitty state of the planet that makes me want to die sometimes. Let (my)self feel that. And then let’s explore what we can do with ithow we can move with it.

I think of joy and grief as I think of the fifth house and the eighth house and their relationship to one another. Together, they make a square aspect, a 90-degree angle. A square is an angle of tension that requires some compromise, some push and pull, and an angle of support. There is a reason load-bearing walls have perpendicular angles. There’s a reason the joys of our life support the moments of grief, too. And vice-versa.

Joy asks us, “What do you enjoy the most? What, who drops you into belly laughter and the radiating warmth of the present moment?”

And grief says, “We are all going to die. It might be tomorrow; it might be far ahead. It may have already happened. So what are you doing today, with this minute, with this year, with this life? What is most important to you?”

These are the rich parts of life, the ones that make you feel into your core. That strips you of your ego and demands your attention. SO, this is my fifth house journey, in true fifth house Gemini stellium fashion: to explore these moments of connection to our humanity, full of decaying flesh, stollen moments of desire, hard lessons, and good times.

It’s important to acknowledge that feeling joy requires safety. I want to explore those safety barriers; let’s bring them into the conversation, feel grief, and eradicate old truths and obstacles that stand in the way. Everyone deserves security, belonging, support, and access to basic needs, including our mother, Earth.

Thank you for reading. I promise to bring you value and a whole lot of “what?!”. Sign up now, so you don’t miss any words.


  1. "Significations of the Twelve Houses, Part 2: Houses 7–12." YouTube, uploaded by The Astrology Podcast, 6 Dec. 2019,

  2. George, Demetra. "Webinar: The Fifth House - Good Fortune | Shop - Demetra George." Demetra George, Accessed 21 April 2022.

  3. Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good. AK Press, 2019.

    Similar work found after my musings on the 5th house began, which has added depth to future reflections:

  4. Schaim, Leisa. "Finding Joy and Meaning in the Birth Chart - Leisa Schaim, Astrologer." Leisa Schaim, Astrologer, Accessed 16 June 2022.

Other notable Astrological influences:

  • Demetra George - duh.

  • Renee Sills and her language around the bodily expression and resonance of Astrology -

  • Diana Rose Harper and her way of channeling planetary magic into validating and affirming language -

  • Chani Nicholas, her book and app

  • and so many more

Thank you for reading, for listening, for being alive, for just breathing. Your presence is felt and so appreciated. I hope to see you again soon.


Fifth House Fun
Mercurial Musings Podcast
Weekly roundup of astrology musings, art I love, and ideas I don’t have the energy to complete.
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